As you get ready for door, 45, levis ability this morning, take your time. Take the umbrella with you, but still an isolated shower two. Only a high of a2. Keep in mine, normal is around 57. We could see showers, and i amtraking the threat for storms tomorrow. More on that in deplete forecast. Right now we will switch gears and oclock in with check in with traffic. Certainly starting to see more cars on the road. This is i40 and lake wheeler. No slow down, no delays to pass along to you. I want to check in with some drive time conditions. I am showing you the northbound drive times. This is u. S. 1 between highway 55 and downtown, about a 16 minute drive. Thats moving slower than the posted speed limits on 40 is from the apex from about a 19 minute drive on this Tuesday Morning. More on traffic and weather in about ten minute. Police is investigating a late night crash that sent three people including a child to the hospital. These are pictures taken from the scene. Investigators say a
Snapped â Wenn Frauen töten
Tammy Cole Doku-Soap, USA 2012
Tammy Cole und Vance Evans hatten eine Affäre, doch nur Tammy war wirklich verliebt. Als Vance ihre Affäre beenden will, ist Tammy auÃer sich. Einige Monate später taucht sie im April 2010 erneut bei Vance auf und sorgt für Unruhe. Als Vance neue Freundin, Mary McLain, ihn telefonisch nicht erreichen kann, macht sie sich besorgt auf den Weg, um nach dem Rechten zu sehen. Doch dort angekommen, findet sie Vance erschossen im Wohnzimmer auf.
blizzard of 2010. and amp a short 14 years of waiting, the football team beat hampton. and morehouse! and your lady bison went all the way to the final, the meac basketball tournament championship. and made it to the finals. afro blue is more than a group of voices. they combine excellence with commitment, as howard s ambassadors, they ve also sang vocal jazz to raise money to alleviate famine and malnutrition in somalia. at howard, afro blues commitment to social justice is widely, widely shared. nearly 400 howard students volunteered at the alternative spring break program in five cities this spring. you raised over $80,000 to support service in five communities. you slept on the floors of churches and shelters to tackle the tough, tough issues, like the devastating level of gun violence in my home town of chicago and literacy in detroit. howard students have a long history of doinging what they think is right and not just what they are told. you insist on fighting inequity