Westport Island Selectman Jeff Tarbox and Sheepscot Valley Regional School Unit board member Mary Coventry are not running for those seats in June, and both told Wiscasset Newspaper, they hope someone does. Near midday April 3, one month after.
In 2023, Wiscasset and other towns dealt with how to get and keep workers, improve residents’ and businesses’ internet access and, in Wiscasset’s case, how to protect the wastewater treatment plant from the rising water of climate change.
Well, apparently it's winter! That was (too) quick. Firewood donations: The Town of Westport Island is accepting donations of cut, dry, ready-to-burn firewood to make sure all our neighbors stay toasty warm. Reach out to Selectboard Chair Donna.
Hello, Islanders. It's sweater weather! Time to get the firewood in before the snow flies (or fly to warmer climes!) Before you hibernate or abscond to the sunny south, don't forget to pay those property taxes, license those dogs, and perhaps cast a.
Westport Island Town Clerk April Thibodeau has announced town elections are June 13 at the Old Town Hall, 1217 Main Road, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., and two have two-way races. Julie Casson and Lisa Jonassen are running for the third select board seat,.