similarities are almost identical. today this idea may seem controversial. but as the nazis were rising to power, it wasn t controversi controversial. it was common knowledge. november 28, 1925, a tiny article printed in the new york times describing the early internal struggle for the identity of the nazis. a riot broke out after a nazi speaker claimed that lenin was the greatest man second only to hitler. and the difference between communism and the hitler faith was very slight. it wasn t just some nobody in the nazi party who believed this. it was this man hitler s closest ally to the very end and his hand-pick successor as chancellor. joseph gerbils. because it was so controversial, gerbils a master of propaganda stopped talking about it in public. but his private writings revealed his change in approach wasn t a change of
the country and the similarities are almost identical glenn as the nazis w were rising to power, it wasn . controversial, it was common knowledge. november 28th, 1925. a tiny article printed in the d new york times describing the early internal struggle for thr identity of the nazis. a riot broked out after a nazi speaker declared that lenin was the greatest man, second onlyho to hitler. it wasn t just a nobody in thes nazi party that believed this,l it was this man.nd hitler s closest ally and hand picked success sore as chancellor. because it was to proga controversial, he stoppeding ab talking about it in public.ngs but his private writings revealed his change in approach