looks like the potential of an appearance of conflict. what is the likelihood of that happening, do you think? i don t know. i don t know. it depends on kavanaugh s own sort of sense of judicial propriety. if he believes that it will taint his future on the court for participating in a decision about which led to potentially his selection, maybe he does step aside. harry, you know him. what do you think of this? about the recusal theory? i think he probably would not, and he would cite the nixon case where three justices nixon had appointed sat on the case and ruled against him. the clinton v. jones case. two justices that clinton had appointed sat on the court that wound up ruling against him. i think it s important to note that he sees this as having undergone a major conversion. what you read about, don, actually post dates his time with starr. he s on the bench and he says
if he believes that it will taint his future on the court for participating in a decision about which led to potentially his selection, maybe he does step aside. harry, you know him. what do you think of this? about the recusal theory? i think he probably would not, and he would cite the nixon case where three justices nixon had appointed sat on the case and ruled against him. the clinton v. jones case. two justices that clinton had appointed sat on the court that wound up ruling against him. i think it s important to note that he sees this as having undergone a major conversion. what you read about, don, actually post dates his time with starr. he s on the bench and he says having spent time in the white house, he came to understand that he had been wrong in the 90s to be so vigilant and punitive in going after clinton. so there are two on this very important question, there are two brett kavanaughs.