Roscoe, Illinois, USA August 31, 2023 PBC Linear (Pacific Bearing Company), a global leader in linear motion solutions, is pleased to announce that it will demonstrate deeper CNC integration for its Applied Cobotics Cobot Feeder at FABTECH 2023, in the Universal Robots (UR) Booth #B17063 in Chicago, September 11-14. The Cobot Feeder, a CNC machine feeding application kit that delivers…
By reliably loading and unloading dunnage trays that a UR cobot can consistently access, this versatile CNC machine-tending tool provides a standardized platform for storing, staging, and delivering parts into a position that the UR cobot can reach for loading and unloading.
PBC Linear (Pacific Bearing Company), a linear motion solutions provider, announces that its Applied Cobotics Cobot Feeder, a CNC machine feeding application kit that delivers and stages parts to be placed into a machining process, has received Universal Robots+ (UR+) partner certification from Universal Robots (UR). PBC Linear’s Applied Cobotics Cobot Feeder includes a base
PBC Linear (Pacific Bearing Company) announced that its Applied Cobotics Cobot Feeder, a CNC machine feeding application kit which delivers and stages parts to be placed into a machining process, has received Universal Robots+ (UR+) partner certification from Universal Robots (UR). The Applied Cobotics Cobot Feeder includes a base storage and retrieval unit with a