Monday, 15 March 2021 The American Biogas Council has announced the eight fastest growing biogas businesses in the US: DMT, DVO, Inc., Envitec Biogas, Evonik, Greenlane Biogas, Nacelle, Paques Environmental Technologies, and PlanET Biogas. Results were determined by gross revenue growth from 2019 to 2020. Collectively, revenue from the fastest eight grew by more than 300%.
“Biogas industry growth has been driven recently by a couple of strong policies plus the desire to decarbonize our gas sector, reduce agriculture emissions and provide reliable renewable energy,” said Bernard Sheff, PE, chair of the American Biogas Council Board of Directors. “But we will see even stronger growth when, as a society, we recognize the imperative to recycle our organic waste. Biogas systems can do something that fossil fuels, wind, and solar can’t: reduce landfill waste by recycling all the organic waste that makes up one-quarter to one-third of all garbage.”