His death was announced last Friday. New Forest District Council chairman, Councillor Allan Glass gave a speech followed by a two minute silence in honour of The Duke of Edinburgh during a meeting of the council on Monday. He said: “Our district has great pride in its royal associations, with a strong history of connections to the monarchy. The district has had the privilege of welcoming His Royal Highness on many visits over the years, which we now remember with warmth and fondness.” Cllr Glass laid flowers alongside the Deputy Lieutenant for Hampshire, Hallam Mills during a private ceremony at Appletree Court.
AN application has been made to renew the licence of a sex shop in the New Forest. A public notice has been released, informing people that Simply Pleasure, in Ringwood, has applied to renew its licence as a “sex establishment”. The notice said: Notice is given that I, Timothy Hemming, has applied to New Forest District Council on January 18, to renew the licence to use the address of proposed premises Simply Pleasure, Spring Lane, Forest Gate, Ringwood BH24 3FH, for use as a Sex Shop. “The premises will be known as Simply Pleasure. “Objections, any person who wishes to object to this application must give notice in writing with details of the objection to The Licensing Manager, Licensing Services, New Forest District Council, Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, S043 7PA, within 28 days of the date of the application which is given above.”