Henderson County (Jun 19, 2022) - Two schools North Henderson High and Apple Valley Middle have been certified and named as Leader in Me Lighthouse Schools by FranklinCovey Education, the county school system and the Henderson County Education Foundation announced.
Shanice Hill, a sixth-grade math teacher at Apple Valley Middle, is one of 27 finalists in the state for the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching 2020 Prudential NC Beginning Teacher of the Year Award.
The Beginning Teacher of the Year process was developed to honor beginning teachers and to retain those who show promise as excellent teachers and education leaders in state public schools and public charter schools, according to a news release from Henderson County Public Schools. As we all know, challenges abound for any educator at the onset of their teaching career,” said Jan King, asstistant superintendent of instructional services.”Navigating the routine challenges of a first year teacher in the midst of a global pandemic makes Shanice Hill’s recognition even more impressive and meaningful.