Apple launched the new MacBook Pros along with the AirPods 3 and HomePod mini during the launch event yesterday. The Cupertino tech giant has a lot to offer this time with a bunch of amazing product launches. The MacBook Pros are faster and more powerful than the previous MacBook Pro that was launched the previous year. The AirPods 3 are out with a new design, the HomePods mini gets new colours
The Cupertino behemoth has unveiled the new MacBook Pro, AirPods 3, HomePod Mini, the much-anticipated M-Chipsets, and Voice Plans, a new Apple Music subscription service.
Apple is set to announce new hardware today. The company is holding a (virtual) keynote at 10 AM PT (1 PM in New York, 6 PM in London, 7 PM in Paris). And you’ll be able to watch the event right here as the company is streaming it live. Rumor has it that the company […]