“The Girl Singer,” by Marianne Worthington, was published by the University Press of Kentucky and won in the poetry category. "The Harlan Renaissance: Stories of Black Lives in Appalachian Coal Towns" (WVU Press), authored by UK Alumnus William H. Turner, won in the nonfiction category.
LEXINGTON — Lily native and bestselling author, journalist, and activist Silas House has been named editor of Fireside Industries, an imprint of the University Press of Kentucky in partnership with
A book about Tri-County native Silas House, who was born in Corbin and raised in Laurel County, will be published this June. "Silas House: Exploring an Appalachian Writer’s Work" (University
Novelist Charles Dodd White: Virtual Reading & Craft Talk Community Event Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 12:00pm to Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 12:00pm
A recorded talk on Art as Political Activism followed by a reading from the new novel HOW FIRE RUNS. (45 minutes total). Charles Dodd White is the author of four novels, including two from Ohio University Press/Swallow Press: How Fire Runs and In the House of Wilderness. He has received the Appalachian Book of the Year Award and the Chaffin Award for his fiction. He lives in Knoxville, Tennessee, where he is an associate professor of English at Pellissippi State Community College.