Top row from left: Cheryl Keyes, Robin D.G. Kelley, Sarah Haley, Brenda Stevenson, Gaye Theresa Johnson. Bottom row from left: Kyle Mays, Karida Brown, Shana Redmond, Tananarive Due, Devon Carbado.
Black History Month: A reading list of books by Black UCLA faculty
These 10 titles include explorations of civil rights, jazz and rap, influential artists and writers and other topics
Black History Month: A reading list of books by Black UCLA faculty
These 10 titles include explorations of civil rights, jazz and rap, influential artists and writers and other topics
Top row from left: Cheryl Keyes, Robin D.G. Kelley, Sarah Haley, Brenda Stevenson, Gaye Theresa Johnson. Bottom row from left: Kyle Mays, Karida Brown, Shana Redmond, Tananarive Due, Devon Carbado.