7th Circ. Says Wisc. Regulators Have Toxic Dust Handled
Law360 (May 27, 2021, 2:25 PM EDT) The Seventh Circuit has refused to revive litigation claiming that SPX Corp. contaminated Wisconsin properties with polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, saying Badger State regulators aren t asleep at the wheel and that there s no reason for the court to interfere with an ongoing state-run remediation plan.
In a final opinion Wednesday, a unanimous panel refused to disturb the lower court s ruling granting summary judgment in favor of SPX Corp., TRC Environmental Corp. and Apollo Dismantling Services, finding that a court order forcing the companies to clean up the allegedly contaminated properties is not needed. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is already.
05:10 AM EST Share City officials want to get rid of the unfinished riverfront high-rise despite a potential buyer with an active permit to tear it down.
Three out-of-state companies submitted bids as part of the city’s order to demolish the unfinished Berkman Plaza II while a potential developer says his group will buy the site within days.
City Procurement Division officials opened bids April 14 that range from $1.68 million to $2.34 million.
The step shows the city continues to move ahead on its tear-down order for the Downtown structure as it also approved a demolition permit in January for Jacksonville Riverfront Revitalization, which wants to buy the site.