pilot. in 1962, he was chosen as part of the first group of astronauts selected after the mercury 7. his name may not be a household one, but many inside the space program believe his accomplishments rival those of shepard, glen and armstrong. his legacy in american space history really is in some ways more significant than armstrong s. john s career, with nasa, is over 40 years long. and he was he was so important to the entire human space flight program. reporter: during that time, about the only thing john young didn t fly was in a mercury capsule. in 1965, he and gus grissom flew the first two-man flight on board gemini 3. he flew again on gemini 10 and apollo 10 and walked on the moon with charlie duke on apollo 16 in 1972. a signature moment, duke snapped
no knowledge or could she predict what her husband did that night. we believe it is misguided and wrong to prosecute her and dishonors the memories of the victims to punish an innocent person. pamela, thank you. the last man to walk-on the moon. a great american pioneer has died. gene cernan one of a dozen to walk-on the moon. he took the mission in december of 1972 on the apollo 17. i would like history to of today has forged man s lenge- destiny of tomorrow. shame to have never gone back. 44 years. gene cernan. one of three astronauts who went to the moon witwice. apollo 10. he piloted the landing aircraft.
tomorrow. 44 years later, no one has gone back. he was one of three astronauts who went to the moon twice. he was part of the apollo 10 mission that got close. he piloted the lunar lander to ten miles of the surface. his family says he died following ongoing health issues. his passion for paspace exploration never waned. he was 82 years old. let s get a check on cnn money stream. investors are a little nervous around the world this morning after a holiday week in the u.s. dow futures lower. losses in europe stocks. shares in asia is mixed. the pound is down at a 31-year low. here s what s going on. investors are skittish ahead of theresa may s announcement today
her attorney released a statement today after her arrest saying, she had no foreknowledge nor could she predict what omar mateen intended to do that tragic night. she told her story of abuse at his hands. we believe it is misguided and wrong to prosecute her. and it dishonors the memories of the victims to punish one of his victims, an innocent person. she will have her first court appearance tomorrow morning in california. anderson? thanks, pam. it s a waning moon tonight. perhaps that is fitting, in some ways a full moon in all its beauty and familiarity would remind us of a wish unfulfilled for gene cernan. apollo 10, gene cernan died today at the age of 82. he wished by now the moon would be a regular destination. if he had his way, we may not be remembering him at all tonight. if captain cernan had his wish, he would not be famous for being the last person to whack on the
he served on board apollo 10. he came within eight miles of the moon surface. in 1972, cernan made history of the commander of apollo 17, the final mission to the moon. he spent three days on the moon exploring and collecting data. before he left, cernan wrote his daughter s initials in the moon surface. a lasting reminder of man s final steps on the moon. gene cernan dead at 82. president-elect trump going after the head of the c.i.a. on twitter after john brennan told fox news sunday that trump doesn t have a good handled on what s going on with russia. i don t think he has a full appreciation of russian capabilities and intentions and actions that they re undertaking in many parts of the work. absolving russia of various