Ace comedian Kapil Sharma made a comeback with his team to entertain fans and bring laughter with The Great Indian Kapil Show. The team has elevated the entertainment level with a lineup of stars and hilarious comedy gags, taking the show to new heights in its new season and brand new avatar. According to a recent report, Kapil Sharma's fees for hosting The Great Indian Kapil Show have allegedly been disclosed. It is claimed that he has charged a substantial amount for the five episodes aired so far. Additionally, the report has also revealed the fees of his co-stars Archana Puran Singh and Sunil Grover for the show. Let's take a look.(Photo: Instagram)
Kapil Sharma, the host, and face of The Kapil Sharma Show charges Rs 50 lakh per episode. While Kapil Sharma took home Rs 30 lakh to Rs 35 lakh per episode for the first two seasons, he hiked his fee to Rs 50 lakh per episode for season 3.