john bolton with john kelly and other top white house aides? sean, do you get a read on that? what s interesting to me is what you have when you look at john kelly, john bolton, and the president are three very big personalities. it ll be interesting to see whether or not they re going to come together or clash with one another. there have been similarities to trump. he s gone out on social media. he s gone out on cable television and he s said sometimes controversial things. so he has a style that sort of plays with the president s style. but the question is, again, you know, when you have three men with, you know, three very big profiles, it doesn t work out as super neatly as we ve seen especially in this white house. we ll see how this works out. has the potential to maybe work. also has the potential to really potentially blow up. is there potential for fear with this appointment? what do you think, pema? oh, absolutely. this is a really critical
new reaction from president trump on tax reform after house speaker ryan brought up the possibility of a fourth bracket. president trump s new comments are part of an interview to air in its entirety on fox tomorrow morning. paul mentions maybe one more category, which i d rather not have. it may not happen. but the only reason i would have, and he does say this, he s very plain on what he said, if for any reason i feel the middle class is not being properly taken care of. joining me once again, pema levy and john harwood. pema, you first this time. the president is call this gop tax plan a great bill. what kind of a timeline are we looking at and how do you see this playing out between the white house and congress? well, look, we re really running out of time when it comes to passing major legislation this year. when you hit the end of the year you get a lot of holiday breaks. folks want to go home for thanksgiving, for christmas, and
scaramucci says they re going to love it, they just aren t hearing it the right way so i m going to come in and fix it. that s what he s telling breitbart. that s what he said yesterday in the press briefing room. so i think we are going to see an effort to tell the media you re not telling the story right. you re not conveying our policies correctly and trying to get that out. so, seema, clearly a shakeup here. does it suggest that others are in peril? it seems like every week there s been a different bit of chaos, whether it s somebody leaving, somebody resigning, somebody being forced to resign, people being forced to testify, so i think it s pretty safe to assume this isn t the last shakeup we ll see with this white house. pema, this morning he appeared to confirm that he s looking into his pardoning power. he said while all agree that the u.s. president has the complete power tord pardon, why think o that when only crime so far is leaks against us. fake news. so conventional
wouldn t have picked him if he knew he would recuse himself from the russia investigation, i would have to think sessions must feel some pressure here because that was like quite a remarkable statement. okay. pema, quickly, statement. talking with you about jared kushner s revised financial forms, he inadvertently omitted 70 assets. why is this coming out now? did something force it? you know, it s clear that when he initially submitted those forms, he either forgot a lot of information or he thought that he could hide it. but he clearly has a team of lawyers working on this now and i think that they know that, you know, the longer you hide stuff or the longer you don t disclose stuff, the worse it will get for you and the more suspicious it will look so i think he s got a team of lawyers going over everything and making sure it s up to date because they think it will help him out later. my next guest was at the first official meeting of the president s commission on voter frau
heilemann at the russian tea room where he admits to having a mutual friend and a back channel to julian assange. so, is there something more here to come out from roger stone and his behavior behind the scenes? well, he has repeatedly said that they have a mutual friend that he has received information from and stated it as a legal back channel, and so, he says that he s done nothing wrong here. i think the key thing is that he does not work at the white house. he did not work for donald trump after 2015. he was dismissed. and so, if that is the case, it s not clear how often he is talking to president donald trump or white house staffers at this point and what people at the white house may know as a result of his conversations. all right. we ll wait to see what comes out of all of this. again, that date to circle, march 20th. francesca, thanks so much. pema, thank you. appreciate your time. another question we ll be exploring in a bit, white house democrats are threatening to pul