KSI recently received two new vehicles from Delaware Transit Corporation to support its transportation program. Both propane-fueled, 16-passenger, wheelchair lift-equipped vehicles will add great value to KSI’s ability to provide community-based.
One of Delaware’s largest fundraising events, the Special Olympics Delaware Lewes Polar Bear Plunge, presented by Wawa and Discover, is set for 1 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 5, in Rehoboth Beach. Celebrating its 32nd year, the event began in 1992 when 78.
Historian Syl Woolford will present a live, online lecture at 5 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 2, discussing the fight to end racial segregation in American schools, presented by the Lewes Public Library. The landmark Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
Let us clarify at the outset that I am not about to compete with our premier Cape Gazette sports columnists and others whose expertise deals with competitive events. I am not even close to them in acumen or knowledge of our local or national sports.
Members of the Pelican Point Book Club in Millsboro recently made an investment in potential future members when they donated children’s books to Read Aloud Delaware. Book club members Bonnie Koether, Susan Adams and others are volunteers in the.