BPH Energy Limited (ASX:BPH) is an Australian Securities Exchange listed company developing biomedical research and technologies within Australian Universities and Hospital Institutes.
Pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 17.2, BPH Energy Limited (ASX:BPH) had previously requested that trading in the Company s securities be suspended from trading on 9 December 2021.
BPH Energy Limited s (ASX:BPH) investee company Advent Energy Limited (Advent) announced that through its subsidiary, Aotearoa Offshore Ltd NZ (AOLNZ), it has the right to acquire a 30% participating interest in Petroleum Exploration Permits.
Diversified investment company BPH Energy (ASX: BPH) has revealed its 36% owned oil and gas subsidiary Advent Energy is gaining the right to acquire a 30% stake in three offshore New Zealand petroleum exploration permits from Austrian major OMV.