Poste Italiane Spa announced Tuesday that the maximum EUR52.5 million buyback plan approved by shareholders will start on May 10. The company will be able to buy back a maximum of 3.5 million of its. | May 9, 2023
POSTE ITALIANE STARTS A SHARE BUYBACK PROGRAMME Rome, 9 May 2023 - Poste Italiane S.p.A. , announces the launch today of a share buy-back programme which will. | May 9, 2023
Italian banks and insurers that are being called upon by insurance regulators to rescue struggling life player Eurovita will help by using their balance sheet, the head of Poste Italiane said on. | May 4, 2023
MILAN -Italian banks and insurers that are being called upon to rescue struggling life group Eurovita will help by using their balance sheet, Poste Italiane s CEO said on Thursday, without. | May 4, 2023
Finns’ crumbling fitness levels are posing a society-wide threat due to the physical requirements of critical jobs such as first responder and rescue worker, Juha Viertola of the Finnish Diabetes Association, stated to YLE on Sunday.