,in the twenty, sixteen and twenty elections is thatappen. nothing ever seems to happen. are we missing something that d congress can do other than have reality television committees every day? is there something tha t can be done in immediately, especially with your remarks about their statement, which remarksy confirms that they seem to be fine? kne they knew about it. they weren t outraged or shocked. whe the options hereat are? well, obviously, it s going tim to take some time to build the type oe uildf case for substantive change. i don t think most people are don g what ut dismantlin the fbi. i think what the representative is probably talking about is dismantlingthpresentatitalkie troublesome components of the fbi. if there is e blesoma censorshid we program going on .ed to and we do needlo to look aok att but a case has to be made this these files are not just ane fb indictment of the fbi. they re an indictment they af congress. congress has shown a steadfast refuse to dig in