medieval especially trump s wall. black and pointed and black. yes. and the wall is symbolic and will reveal he hasn t been able to accomplish anything. i want to go back to the pardon power and make a wonky point about it. please. the reason he lofves the pardon power is kind of a mistake, it s one of the reimmediatette powers the president has. it was a mistake of the founders. they didn t want to do anything kingly. and would i argue of all of these constitutional forum, the pardon power should be constitutionally remedied, the way congress approves nominees the president makes, congress should have to approve pardons the president makes. it should not be an unremediated power. i was going to talk about i president who doesn t read his peb should be so obsessed with a wall but you re smarter be so i think we should stay there. if you look at pardons and who he gave them to, george w. bush did not pardon scooter libby.