ready tomorrow?y toto take back this country? ba? are you ready to take the state back ? who s ready to send markkell kelly back to space? tomorrow? now, we re going to hear from reporters and candidates acrossh the nation tonight, including our own mark meridith in ohio, where donald trump is stilio wd stilll delivering what was billed as ah highly anticipated speech. s ts but first, the great realignment. that s the focus of tonight s angle, with republicans about to take control of botf h the house and the senate, mostis democrats aren t interested in serious soul searching aboutr au how it all unraveled fornc a bunch so worried about election denial, they seem to be preemptively questioning the legitimacy of the impending republican takeover. rean how concerned are you that the upheaval at twitter ll result in a flood of misinformation, disinformation right before i the election? and it actually goes beyonde ar twitter today. there arree reports s that, in fact, russian
may. so, you know, the toxicologyve c reportome s have come back . they know that both those young men basically were murdered by this gang. that is also has the same m.o. in the same clubs within halfs a mile of each other in hell s kitchen. and no warning has been given to to new yorkers about this menace that has been going on for at least.n i mean, do you think miranda ,do you think this is a i mean, how how can it be ? no i mean, that smacks ofan, well, the politicization of crime reporting. i mean, reporting. that s a big con that s a big constituency forde the democrats. that s bizarre. s.absolutely. kat just on saturday, yohyu hadin kathy hochul was having a sort d of a rally with andy cohen. to get out the lgbtq vote . no mention of the fact that this men are stalking the nace
community right in new york . the bars don t seem to wantm to to publicize that. you know, just a warning to men to stay with a friend, doo not go alone because peo the chances are that these people, three men will prey a on you could endnd up dead. now, miranda, thank you for doing this reporting. and shame on kathy for treatinga this crime issue. has she e as she has. thank you so much, brenda leighl sales. she makesdin, s emotions like kathy hochul gets a fairer, more go to the nearest subway club and hands out billy clubs and baseball bats. so everybody gets on the subway then. yeah, well, he no, i don t even know what to say to that.
but th i ll tell you whatey, peopleay i they were really eager to hear from them, but they braved a long day in the cold to come see this. all right, mark, it s it s r amazing. we re already here. e . twenty , twenty four right around the corner. great to see youd tonightthrn.e youall right.n oppo rt tomorrow, voters inejec new york have an opportunity to reject a lawlessness they re seeing on their streets. and today, a shocking story gives them another reason to vote for lee zeldin. now, according to reporting k post, a gangng that preys on men is suspected of killing at least two victims and of drugging and robbingth more than a dozen others. but the manhattan d.a. alvinaggf bragg s office is impeding the investigation. s impedingjoining us now is mirs devine, who broke this story ink the new york post. d anyt miranda, have yohiu heard anything from bragge and the manhattan d.a. s office at all about this? aboutcase? look, we finally gotsa some sort of a response thisy kn afterno