One of a high school student’s primary enemies is usually the AP classes they choose to take. Throughout the year, students are bombarded with homework, class readings, test dates, etc. With the conclusion of AP exams, the pressure of AP classes has been replaced by more recreational activities and educational projects. “At the beginning of.
Rapturous cheers flooded the offstage wings of the Staples auditorium after the cast and crew of “Descendants” took the first of their final bows on opening night. Minutes after the curtains closed, characters plucked from the beloved fairy tales that lived in our childhoods rushed to the back in excitement stripping down heavy layers of tulle.
Rapturous cheers flooded the offstage wings of the Staples auditorium after the cast and crew of “Descendants” took the first of their final bows on opening night. Minutes after the curtains closed, characters plucked from the beloved fairy tales that lived in our childhoods rushed to the back in excitement stripping down heavy layers of tulle.