The leading bank of Maharashtra-Satara District Central Cooperative Bank, which recently got the best performing bank award from Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah crossed the business mix of Rs
Satara DCCB proves “growth & service can go together”
Co-op Bank help in Covid times, earns it praise of Opposition parties!
Maharashtra based Satara District Central Cooperative Bank, controlled by the co-operators owing allegiance to NCP has done well by earning a gross profit of Rs 150 crore and net profit of Rs 65 crore in the 2020-21 FY.
The DCCB was also in news for helping the needy in the second wave of Covid-19. Satara DCCB made a provision of Rs 3 crore for helping the government hospitals, sub-district hospitals and primary health centers, making covid care centres as well as for providing ventilators and oxygen concentrators.