racist curricula in your kids school. come on , there s no such thing. you re a conspiracy nut. better call the doj mandatory covid vaccines don tin actually work as advertised. please, you re just imagining it. you mustyo be anust anti vaxxer us funded biolabs in ukraine. shut up traitor. that s pure russian disinformation and so on . they doo this with everything because it almost always works . you may be the injured party ine whatever disastery they ve managed to cook up, but by the time the washington post gets done explainingg you re a criminal for noticing it happened, it s very effective.y unfortunately for them it doesn t work within inflation.. inflation is just too obvious to deny every knows when inflation hits , when the prices go up because everybody goes shopping e. soso when you get inflation, you re stuck with it. bv leaders know this obviously. so their first movement we got inflation is to reassure this . there was nothing to worry about because actually inflation i