Anushka Sharma Pregnancy Latest News: Amid speculations about Anushka Sharma's pregnancy, there have been several claims on social media that are making rounds on the Internet. One such claim is that Anushka Sharma's delivery will be held in London and, in Virat Kohli's absene from the ongoing Test series between India and England, the fans are of a belief that it might be true.
Virat Kohli's wife Anushka Sharma's Pregnancy and Delivery Latest News: Amid speculations surrounding Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli that the duo is expecting the arrival of their second baby in the coming days, the couple's fans have been excited about the same. As of now, the couple has neither confirmed nor denied the reports.
Virat Kohli withdraws from three tests against England due to personal reasons, sparking pregnancy rumors for Anushka Sharma. Get the latest updates on Anushka Sharma's pregnancy and Virat Kohli's decision.
The 35-year-old star is not just known for her acting talent, she is also known for her healthy lifestyle. This mom to a 3-year-old toddler keeps a good balance between motherhood and her health. Let s borrow a few fitness and diet lessons from the actor: