The Reserve Bank of India held rates at record lows on Friday, but it raised its inflation forecast and said it would normalise liquidity conditions in a signal that policymakers could be edging closer to tapering pandemic-induced stimulus.
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NEW DELHI/BHUBANESWAR, India (Reuters) - India appealed to frontline workers on Tuesday not to refuse vaccines for COVID-19, after almost all states failed to meet targets in the first few days of what the government calls the world’s biggest immunisation campaign.
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The country has so far vaccinated 631,417 frontline workers using two shots manufactured locally, one licensed from Oxford University and AstraZeneca and another developed at home by Bharat Biotech in partnership with the state-run Indian Council of Medical Research.
The drive started on Saturday, with 30 million healthcare and other front-line workers first in the queue, followed by about 270 million people older than 50 or deemed at high-risk because of pre-existing medical conditions.