After the success of Pathaan, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan will next be seen in Atlee’s Jawan co-starring Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra, and others in pivotal roles. TV actor Guru Haryani, who has been a part of various popular shows including Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna’s top-rated Star Plus show Anupamaa, has confirmed bagging a role in it.
Anupama and Anuj Kapadia’s love story on Anupamaa don’t fail to keep the fans intrigued. Just when the fans were hopeful about the power couple’s reunion, Anuj and Anupama will reportedly have a new villain in their life
Rajan Shahi’s Anupamaa, featuring Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna in the lead roles, has been ruling the TRP charts as well as people’s hearts since its inception in 2020. Celebrity Tarot card reader Aditya Nair has now predicted the top-rated Star Plus show’s future.
The latest track of Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna’s Star Plus show Anupamaa revolves around Dimpy turning against Anupama after Barkha’s manipulations and even Samar isn’t stopping her. In a recent interview, Sagar Parekh aka Samar opened up about the current track and revealed getting trolled by fans.
The upcoming episode of Anupamaa is set to witness a massive twist wherein Vanraj will make an effort be Anupama’s support system. However, the latter hits back at him