The makers of Kannada star Kicha Sudeepa s Vikrant Rona have decided on a theatrical release as they apparently refused a Rs 100 crore offer for an OTT release of their movie.With the Omicron scare making theatrical screenings a risky .
With the Omicron scare a lot of movies are opting for a straight OTT release. One film that has said no to it and rejected an offer of 100 crores is Kichcha Sudeepa starrer 'Vikrant Rona'.
Reportedly, Kichcha Sudeep's Vikrant Rona was offered a whopping Rs 100 crore by an OTT giant. Director Anup Bhandari and producer Jack Manjunath shared their views on the same.
With the Omicron scare making theatrical screenings a risky business proposition, several movie-makers are opting for OTT release instead.However, the makers of Kicha Sudeepa starrer Vikrant Rona have decided on a theatrical release. The .