Antony M. Brown will be at Waterstone s in the Brooks Shopping Centre to talk about The Green Bicycle Mystery, the first book in his series, Cold Case Jury.. A HAMPSHIRE author is in the running for an international short story competition. Antony M Brown, an author from Eastleigh, is in the running for the esteemed Margery Allingham Short Mystery Prize as part of an international competition to find the best unpublished short mystery. Antony is the author of the Cold Case Jury Collection, true crime mysteries in which readers can deliver their verdicts online and has also appeared numerous times on radio and television talking about true crime and crime writing.
By David Pickup2020-12-11T11:30:00+00:00
In a pandemic-hit year, a collection of Covid-19 poetry is one of David Pickup’s standout books of the year. There are also enthralling books on technology, crime, history and the judiciary. And sage advice on equipping yourself with essential skills to build a legal career or even a firm
This has been a strange year in many ways. For the first time, some review copies were sent to me electronically. I do not find it easy to read large documents online. I will start with books that have yet to been written:
How I made my first ten million from legal aid and