0 as long as they hurt the affordable care act. that sounds like a productive agenda, doesn t it? well, we have continued to see over this year the 45th, 46th time for them to try to eliminate the aca, the affordable care act. what i have told my colleagues on the republican side is, come and help us. come and help us get this right. i know i m a californian, lucky for me. we have a state legislature, a governor, we have covered california, which is our exchange. we all decided from the very beginning we wanted to make this work. and as you have seen, the numbers have been surging in california. we have hundreds of thousands of people who have already gotten their plan, and i m starting to get the phone calls, starting to turn around from, oh, my gosh, i m so scared about this, lauriett laurietta, to hey, did you know i just saved $300 a month on my plan and i m so grateful you voted for this. well, you say that, congresswoman. but even as officials today say they fixed two-third