What did we do last summer and fall? We walked.
We walked tens of kilometers a day along wide avenues and narrow streets, rugged terrain, and open spaces. The sun was shining for us, sometimes it was raining, a drum sounded for us, we were shown hearts, victory signs, and raised fists. We went out for a walk because we wanted to.
Alive and free people go out of step and go wherever they want. They don t need singers and leaders. They sing because they have voices. And in 2020, these voices finally began to sound.
It turned out that the leaving character does not like it when we walk. Our voices and songs make him cringe. Like vampires from movies start to sparkle in the sunlight, local ghouls begin to explode from smiles, marches, and drums.
In a commentary for dw.com,
Anton Kashlikau, publisher of the Belarusian Internet magazine 34mag.net, speculates on the time needed for changes to happen in Belarus:
- It will soon be a year since the announcement of the presidential election in Belarus.
We all wish the happy outcome to come sooner. But history (we are living through an undoubtedly historical moment) has no concept of fast-forwarding.
The regime, which has chosen the tactic to hold out for a while , bets on violence multiplied by time. As if every new arrest and new day distances them from the dreadful pictures of August with hundreds of thousands on the streets. But what does it bring? Over the past months, it has become clear to everyone that one cannot forget everything, talk away, or turn the page.