the weather.n the he s talking about everything other than the fact that he is in charge of this. and when the head of the tsa says, bring your patients, i don t want to bring my patients, i paid for tsa, i paid for clear, i paid for my ticket. i came ahe of time.s your what else am i supposed to do? it s your job, not mine. yeah, i was sitting there on sunday night trying to get to london, watching all the chaong the c, mosts. me. most of the flights were canceled. people 200 deep in the servicen, at united airlines. and i m thinking, what about when they chaos then bleeds thehaos over to these vey serious issues of if you re ifor you re if you re shortt on staf what s going on with the air traffic controllers? what s going on with the literall, literay the planet just to run on time, but for us to all feel safe and confident in a systefeel safd ce works. what you re talking about are all the different factors at play now that the judgent and have told us we won t find them on spiri
did hillary clinton loss because she wasn t good candidate. the responsibility on the candidates who get the fewest votes compared to the other big, too it s just a way of rationalizing a two party system that has become more and more outdated and antiquated. we do you agree with? that i, mean in today s national politics, how big an impact is a third party candidate going to have to siphon votes from democrats and republicans, and is he gonna be on the ballot in 50 states? well, you just touched on it, and at least touched on. it the key is ballot access. if the green party, if cornell west is a nominee for the green party, and the green party is on the ballot in arizona, or wisconsin, or pennsylvania, then the impact could be significant. i mean, what cornell west is saying, there it doesn t appear to be all that versed in history. we don t have to go back far in the 2000 election, george bush
got 1.07% of the vote. ralph nauder, you don t look to the weakest candidates as a full explanation as to why you lose. hillary clinton lost because she was not a good candidate. she tnt didn t go to wisconsin. you know all the factors that went into why she didn t lose. not just that one factor. but the idea of putting all the responsibility on the candidates who get the fewest votes. it s just a way of rationalizing a two-party system that has become more and more outdated antiquated. the big money and big military don t allow us to speak to 60% of the citizen who is are trying to put money on the sttable and waiting for the next check. and it candidates to expand.