Hundreds of devotees of Nuestra Señora Dela Paz Y Buenviaje, also known as the Birhen ng Antipolo (Virgin of Antipolo), joined the evening procession as part of the celebration for the elevation of the Antipolo Cathedral into an international shrine effective March 25.
I could and probably should have stuck to equities like San Miguel and Ayala Corporation. As it was, my savings have been going to paintings, books, and the open-ended list of what ex-friends called junk. Not that it was money badly spent. The Ang Kiukoks and HR Ocampos I got as a toiling
81122 Thousands of devotees of the Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, locally known as the ‘Birhen ng Antipolo’ (Virgin of Antipolo) are expected to attend Holy Masses and processions and fill the National Shrine of the Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage everyday starting this month as the pilgrimag