should be concerned. no country in the world is going to let people just come over on mass. think of this in the reverse. if 11 million american, american citizens, suddenly decamped for mexico and demanded citizenship and benefits and everything else, the mexican government would be up in arms. understandably so. the united states is a country that is filled 100% with the descenden descendents. no one is antiimmigrant. but there is a legal way to do it and an illegal way to do it and that s been the problem. so, gill, what are you concerns about the potential follow through, that that is a stage one, what do you see on the horizon? so, you have to make sure that you re communicating with the local law enforcement agencies. when i was the police chief in seattle, this was a significant issue with i.c.e. both the i.c.e. director in that area and myself would do community meetings, no one wants a drug dealer, a convicted felony.
labor expense. that s not a pretty picture. it s not good math and it doesn t help you sleep at night and if you roll that out over four years, it gets ugly fast. ainsley: they are working this out in a four-year process. rex, thank you so much. we wish you all the best. thanks for having me on. ainsley: please, somebody help the c-list celebrities take their country. to the extent that trump pursuits racist, antiimmigrant, antiworker, antienvironmental policies, we demand that you vigorously oppose him. ainsley: do you think the political ad is going to work? pete is having breakfast in long island, good morning to you, pete. peter: pumpkin chocolate
hispanic vote. you look at a state like california that performed reliably for republicans through props 87, notoriously antiimmigrant legislation john mccain told me that. next year the republican party will become smaller in the state of california than declined state registrations. for the first time since 1854, its founding, the republican party in one of the states of the union will slip into a third-party status. that s the degree to which it alienated latinos in the state of california. this party knees rosario moran in the we want to be a big tent that welcomes people in. the house leadership, paul ryan said the immigration bill won t be on the floor until
they re antiimmigrant-illegal immigrant, cut don t discern the difference the way the media cover the story and hi was part of the gaining trying to find the middle ground here. yet who is in a better position than he as a son of immigrants, fling cuba, to make the case that we have to find a middle ground. how does he play that? well, what is interesting is that i guess the past week or two, rubio has moved more towards the hidden on immigration. he said he would not lay the groundwork for immigrants to become citizens. that move is different from the legislation that he pushed back in 2013 when he teams up with very liberal democrats to do a comprehensive immigration overhaul. he has shown he can evolve on this issue depending on what makes most sense at the time. i think it s feasible he can make this more of wayne than in the past.
immigration reform. and he needs to own it. he should not try to go one on one with trump. trump has already cornered the market of the antiimmigrant rhetoric. and jeb bush, regardless of his other stances, he has traditionally been very supportive of hispanics and of a thoughtful immigration reform. he has put forward a six point immigration reform plan on his website which looks like a lot light the gang of eight in 2013. if i were a republican strategist i would say stick to your base. stick to your guns. he s very biculturally and blingal and own it. go with that. don t get dirty with trump. right. so jim moore, jeb bush doesn t like being scolded. let s take a listen. i think we need to take a step back and chill out as it