antigang anticrime movement ever since he was a congressman and before that when he was a staffer. this is a guy with tremendous knowledge of the problem and that was the focus of his conversation with loretta. now, if all things remain constant the vote from the republican will either tie the vote or break the tie. in the event of the tie vice president joe biden cast the tie breaker. we are learning tonight that the co pilot who deliberately crashed the germanwings passenger jet into the french alps repeatedly increased speed as he plunged the aircraft towards the mountain. that is the headline from the black box recorder recovered yesterday. fast and furious, the reaction to president obama s nuclear deal before the deal with iran. we will discuss it all with the panel after the break.
mind. reporter: u.s. republican senator mark kirk up for reelection announced he will support the nomination of loretta lynch for u.s. attorney general. immediately that sparked accusations that kirk was responding to the challenge from democratic congress woman a wounded combat veteran. supporting lynch could win favoritism and says it goes back to the problem with chicago gang violence. homicides have increased and the city has seen only a few warm days. the senator interviewed lynch and believes she is the right person to confront the gangs. to make sure that the big large gangs cannot operate like they have been operating. she did a very good job with me. because she was so good on the subject i am going to vote for loretta lynch s confirmation. he has been involved in the antigang anticrime movement
mind. reporter: u.s. republican senator mark kirk up for reelection announced he will support the nomination of loretta lynch for u.s. attorney general. immediately that sparked accusations that kirk was responding to the challenge from democratic congress woman a wounded combat veteran. supporting lynch could win favoritism and says it goes back to the problem with chicago gang violence. homicides have increased and the city has seen only a few warm days. the senator interviewed lynch and believes she is the right person to confront the gangs. to make sure that the big large gangs cannot operate like they have been operating. she did a very good job with me. because she was so good on the subject i am going to vote for loretta lynch s confirmation. he has been involved in the antigang anticrime movement