robust antibody response. according to pfizer. here s what we don t know, the thing we want to know here is had th when children got the vaccine, were they less likely to contract covid and get sick from it compared to children who were given a placebo, a shot of saline does that does nothing. that s what s interesting to the fid. t fda. the antibody stuff is good to know. but did it protect children? and everyone is asking what is the timeline here? so, again, pfizer says they are a few weeks away, or could be within the next few weeks applying for emergency use authorization. let s look at what happened with adults once they did apply for that emergency use authorization. so if we look back at the end of last year, on november 20th, pfizer applied for emergency use authorization and the fda gave them that authorization just three weeks later on december 11th. so once pfizer applies, it could