far more anti-semitic. he purposely put anti-semiites in the state department to keep jews out. so let s keep this in perspective and let s not give 15 minutes of fame to an organization nobody ever heard of because he s willing to go over the top and condemn donald trump for doing something that was a good thing to do. our conversation continues on the other side of the break. the world is full of surprising moments. they re everywhere. and as a marriot rewards member, i can embrace them all. the new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. so no matter where you go, you are here. join or link accounts at members.marriott.com.
from a magazine by the way which has a history. william f. buckley tried to stop it but it s a history of antisemitism in the magazine. joseph so boronbron and others were out and out anti semiites. and [ inaudible ]. the they shouldn t have published it then. great to have you with us tonight. remember to answer tonight s question at pulse.msnbc.com/ed. we ll have the results after the break. follow us on facebook and watch my facebook feature give me a minute. you can get me video pod cast at we got ed.com. coming up kasich makes his bid for the nomination. and later a look at how black lives matter, that movement is shaping the conversation in the democratic field. stay with us.
foxman, explained that the victims of 9/11 had feelings on this matter that should be respected even if they were irrational. first of all, there were many dozens of victims of 9/11 who were muslim. do their feelings count? more important, are irrational feelings, prejudices, hatreds okay because those expressing them are victims or see themselves as victims? will the adl defend the rights of palestinian victims to be anti-se anti-semiites? i have to say i was personally deeply saddeneded by the adl s stand because five years ago the organization honored me with its hubert humphrey award for first amendment freedoms. given the position that they have taken on a core issue of religious freedom in america, i cannot in good conscience keep that award. so this week i m going to return