Michael M. Santiago/Getty ImagesRobert F. Kennedy Jr. has long postured as an absolute defender of “free speech” online, especially after private social media firms declined to provide a platform to his deadly misinformation during the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic. But he’s hired Kyle Rittenhouse’s former attorney to deliver a kill shot to an anonymous DailyKos blogger who penned an article he disliked.That DailyKos writer, who for two decades has contributed to the site’s community section un
Robert Kennedy Jr. hired Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer to threaten a lawsuit against an anonymous writer who documented the anti-vaxxer’s appearance at a far-right German rally.
GELFAND S WORLD-I find myself disagreeing with the strongly liberal website Daily Kos over its right to avoid obeying a subpoena.
As in many other cases, this one little skirmish signifies a fight over a much larger question. In the broad sense it is Daily Kos taking the wrong side on a fight regarding Freedom of the Press. In particular, it is whether there is some right to get away with libel through anonymity.
The specifics involve some critical remarks about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. written by an author who goes by the pseudonym DowneastDem and which was published in Daily Kos.