let s look at it this way, those alive at the time of the kennedy assassination, two weeks after dallas, the united states government just decided to release all sorts of stuff which they would not have released, what would it have shown? it would have given details of oswald s close contacts with our biggest enemy, the soviet union. same thing with castro s cuba. same thing with anti-castro cubans, and also we would have found out at the time if these things were released 59 years ago that oswald down to the day of the assassination was being tracked by the fbi in dallas, which was even trying to interrogate his wife. they knew that he was on the 6th floor of that book depository where the president was going to go by in the motorcade, which was preannounced. there were maps in the dallas newspapers. same thing with the cia, what if americans had learned in december of 1963 that oswald had close touch with cia contracts,
and also by the way the cia was trying to kill fidel castro. let s unwind all of this. let s assume you believe, if you do, that oswald fired the gun that killed john kennedy, which the physical evidence probably supports, although there are still many questions. the question is who was talking to him? well, he was talking with soviets. he was talking with cuban. he was talking with anti castro cubans, and plus the question that all americans would have asked then and should ask in 2022, if the fbi was tracking this guy, why didn t they tell the secret service get this guy out of the book depository. he was a soviet defector, he s a danger to the president. why didn t jay edgar hoover tell that to the secret service. why was this lone wolf talking about talking to all of these cia agents.
1972 were in fact involved with the cuban the anti-castro cubans were working with the cia that was the attempt to shut down the fbi investigation. it just seems suspiciously like, you know, somebody imitating that. i mean, you can draw whatever comparisons we want. to look, this is nonetheless highly unusual treatment of somebody, and now it s in the white house s court. can you predict as an apb report reporter but have some interpretation on history. how long has this guy accoosta t with trump? 72 hours some people say. we have to look back at the president s pattern so far. he is very, very reluctant to part with staff. you saw how long jeff sessions managed to last despite the fact that the president was seething and publicly criticizing him at every possible moment. the way that the white house typically deals with this is the president s number one question is this person damaging me? is this person moving the spotlight away from me? are they such a big problem that
question. i think it s also true that we resist wanting to believe that someone in oswald s position, who really had failed at everything in life and was in a terrible position, could have pulled this off. but, history and michael knows this better than i do, history is repleat with examples of nobodies becoming somebodies in circumstances like this. that is the case, michael. this is the case. for americans to be told the president has been killed and the man we think pulled the trigger has connected we think to anti-castro cubans, pro castro cubans, later on the mafia. and to be gunned down by jack ruby. is there hard evidence that suggests he did act for a larger group? hard to find it. i greatly appreciate your time and incredible insight.
unless you want to question me further on the issue of guilt. i am convinced as you are that oswald was one of the trigger men. any evidence of a second shooter, a second gunman on the grassy noll or anywhere else on that night? none. absolutely none. there s allegations of course, but no credible evidence, absolutely not. 50 years later, how about credible evidence that it was the mob, that it was the kgb, that it was the anti-castro cubans, that it was the pro castro cubans. in my book, i set forth 32 pieces of evidence that point away from the existence of a conspiracy, we can t go into all those tonight. i can t go into all the theories. i do in the book. it s the only book out there that attacks every single conspiracy theory. but in the minutes we have, it s impossible. let me mention three things that apply to all conspiracies, we