on the podium during the course of this announcement. that s one of the big questions out there now. he s expected to announce he will resign from his home district as the congressman and 20-year political career from new york. he started out as an assistant and aide, a staffer, to charles schumer, who really, you know, took him under his wing and helped him to take over this congressional seat in new york, he hoped to become mayor of new york city, and a lot of questions out there. and what about the guy who broke this story and helped to keep this scandal on the front pages for three weeks? andrew breitbart joins us live to react to the news that now anthony weiner is resigning, and to today s announcement and what mr. weiner has to say. he will be with us, watching along and giving us his reaction to all of this, coming up right after this. there are people who are going to want to try to distract from the work i have to do. there are. there are people who are going to want to hav
game changer in so many ways, certainly in this seat in new york. public relations and image consultant, author of practice of public relations and boy, have we seen the practice of public relations in overdrive in this sideways, frazier. first of all, the breaking news that we just got moments ago that they re together, huma and anthony weiner. do you think that she should stand by him as we ve seen women in the past? no, no, no, you don t do that. this is miss problem, he got himself into it. i mean, this today, this resignation, it was inevitable, he should have done this three weeks ago, and when the president of the united states calls for your resignation, that s one thing, but when gloria allred comes up comes out of the woodwork with her aggrieved stripper, you ve had it. now, what he s got to do in my view is he s got to be contrite, he s got to be brief, and he s got to be gone. the problem with this guy is he s as you said, he s a
until this news conference that is set to take place in brooklyn. we re told congressman weiner will step up to the podium and that he will announce that his time in house of representatives has finished. the internet sex scandal likely cost weiner a once bright political future. he had very much hoped and was expected to be a very good runner in the race for the mayor s office in new york city. and we also, in all of this, will lose some cash, obviously, he s going to be out of a job, he leaves his $174,000 a year job in congress, which he has said by all of his friends and colleagues to have loved, he loved being a congressman, and it s going to be a very emotional moment for him, watching all of this come crashing down around him for now. the filings show the 46-year-old congressman has an investment portfolio that is worth between 16,000, and $117,000, that s a pretty big that s the numbers we have on that now.
then began canceling events and appearances and then came this, the second photo sect to a sent to a second woman, followed by reports there were even more explicit photos, followed by explicit e-mail exchanges, then came the tearful tell-all news conference. play this: i came here to accept the full responsibility for what i ve done. i a.m. deeply regretting what i have done and i am not resigning. reporter: and just a day later, the word came that his wife of 11 months, huma ade abedein, long time aide to hillary clinton, was pregnant, the calls came for him to resign, they got louder and louder from his own party, nancy pelosi, even president obama, saying that if he were the congressman, he would step down. yesterday, there was that odd news conference from the porn star ginger lee, who
if he had stronger back something. there s no doubt he wanted to tough it out. he looked at other models like bill clinton, saying i can get through this. but only he really knew what the real risks were of what other e-mails, texts, were coming out, and that, of course, was part of the undoing. in this case, you know, from a perspective of the democratic party, anthony weiner was a valuable asset. he was out there like an attack dog, attacking republican principles, attacking republican candidates, but not beloved. obviously, i m on the other side of the aisle, and when you begin to see the cracks with nancy pelosi and with the head of the democratic campaign committee and the chairman of the dnc come out collectively, you knew this was a coordinated effort to sort of get this guy off the front pages and let s get back on mess arpblgs talk about the things that we want, talk about medicare and the other issues. martha: it s so interesting to me, sort of in the scheme