After sentencing Jaron Haten-McCoy for his role in a 2021 Greensburg apartment complex shooting, Common Pleas Judge Christopher Feliciani asked the 19-year-old how he felt. “Blessed,” Haten-McCoy answered. “Blessed extremely.” Haten-McCoy of Harmar received a light sentence Tuesday after pleading guilty to aggravated assault and firearm possession charges. He was
The issue of foreign language education in the United States is one that is as old as America itself. The founding fathers sought to establish an “intellectual agenda” for the new country. Looking to encourage and excite scientific and economic development and productivity, they identified the fields of interest to be: medicine and history, vegetation.
The issue of foreign language education in the United States is one that is as old as America itself. The founding fathers sought to establish an “intellectual agenda” for the new country. Looking to encourage and excite scientific and economic development and productivity, they identified the fields of interest to be: medicine and history, vegetation.
A Greensburg teen charged with the attempted homicide of three people will be prosecuted as a juvenile, a judge ruled this week. Anthony Shook, 17, was originally charged as an adult with attempted homicide, aggravated assault and other offenses after he was arrested in June 2021 following a shootout in