The Sopranos, American television drama that was created by David Chase and considered a masterpiece by critics and audiences alike, known for its uneasy juxtaposition of brutality and sensitivity. The series aired for six seasons (1999–2007) on HBO and starred James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano.
Pilot (Season 1 Episode 1 of 13): Pilot episode of the US gangster drama, starring James Gandolfini. The Sopranos airs on Sky Atlantic HD at 7:55 AM, Monday 8 January. Pilot episode of the US gangster drama, starring James Gandolfini
Pilot (Season 1 Episode 1 of 13): Pilot episode of the US gangster drama, starring James Gandolfini. The Sopranos airs on Sky Atlantic HD at 3:30 PM, Friday 5 January. Pilot episode of the US gangster drama, starring James Gandolfini