Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg and Police Commissioner Angelo Gafà are sabotaging the hospitals court case with their absence, Repubblika Honorary President Robert Aquilina said
We reap what we sow
These are very capable individuals who are yet placed in a contentious scenario where a parliamentary commissioner such as this one has to deal with both sides of a tribal political divide, which means any political baggage of said advisors could be weaponised as a sign of mistrust
Saviour Balzan
26 April 2021, 7:41am
Standards Commissioner George Hyzler
When Joseph Muscat came up with the idea of appointing the lawyer and former PN parliamentary secretary George Hyzler as Standards Commissioner, he knew exactly what he was doing.
In his usual, imperfect game of political chessm he knew that appointing a former Nationalist MP and parliamentary secretary would not be vetoed by the Opposition, and seen favourably by the public as an act of political inclusion.