welcome to jesse watters prime time tonight. i don t know who sters pri there what security measures they re taking. there s probably government watching and there mightw what on t be personal security on the island. more epstein documents releasedhe as prime time goesdocume inside island. you ve heard of smash and grabs now crash and doomsday bunkers for billionaires. what do they know that we don t ? plus, you know what jesse tters does every weekend.? 59 years ago today, jrs president lyndon b johnsoned a w declared a war on poverty. his plaarn and racial discrimination. dubbed it the great societyen party. the great society asked notae how much, but how good, not only how to create wealth, but how to use it. not only how fast we re going, but where we are headed, but the greare headet society dt end poverty. it kept poverty at the exactoves same level. the first year of the great socisat, the poverty rate wa at 15%. today the poverty rates at 13%. how man
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