Agreed that Germany would contribute more financially to NATO and resolve to work together to fight ISIS the 2 leaders also agreed to work together on transatlantic trade Fox says John Decker during a joint press conference the president refused to back away from allegations of wiretapping by the Obama administration something f.b.i. Director James Comey could be questioned about when he testifies Monday before a House committee concern over North Korea s nuclear program could dominate the discussions in Beijing between Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Chinese leaders on Friday in South Korea the secretary said that 20 years of strategic patience with the North is now over you are listening to Fox News for a fair and balanced. Wildfires burning millions of acres each year and the CIO wild and firefighters like Fire Chief James Hall battle to contain. It they can t do it. A single ember that escapes from a well far can travel more than a mile it could enlighten destroy your home yo