If you consider yourself a good person, why do you think you suffer? Is God doing injustice? Let me give you the answer to these questions faced by most of you
What is your idea of a Guru? Is Guru someone with just a huge number of devotees? Or one who performs miracles? Is he someone wearing coloured robes who gives you a mantra or a gemstone to ease your sufferings in a minute?
What is the real meaning of spirituality? Is being religious and spiritual the same? Religion i.e. Dharma is any action done repeatedly with a sense of responsibility whereas spirituality is knowing the spirit, the life force, which keeps us alive.
W hat is the real definition of yoga? Is it the 30 minutes of morning exercise which you can proudly boast about on social media? Or an annual retreat?
You all have someone or something in your life that you dearly love. Am I right? It could be your partner, children, parents, car or pet, and the list could be endless.