Turkey welcomes private investors in the fields of art and culture, but artists feel oppressed by the government. Beyond censorship and commercial speculation, an alternative art scene offers some hope. Ceyda Nurtsch presents them.
05/10/2022 - Turkey’s leading industry event, which was held both online and in person, has awarded 15 projects across its five platforms with prizes totalling over €33,000
12/09/2022 - La piattaforma industry del 59mo Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival si terrà sia in presenza che online, e ospiterà 27 progetti in cinque diverse sezioni
12/09/2022 - The industry platform of the 59th Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival is running both physically and online, and will host 27 projects across five different sections
The 59th Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival will be held on October 1-8 in Antalya, Turkiye. According to the statement made by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, the “Literary Adaptation Feature Screenplay Competition” will also be held within the scope of the festival