agree with tucker. the white house should explain why he was there, but i do think pushing for tax reform, whether you re discussing healthcare, easter egg hunts aside sean: oh, come on. i don t believe they were targeting the tea party, because the president is too smart for that. sean: maybe somebody else in the white house. guys, thank you. appreciateç it. still ahead tonight, it s a special scandal edition of medi but first did the obamaist in te benghaziubjwzv cover-up? the rncñr is taking legal action to get to the bottom of it. that s coming up next. also tonight, log on toç, you get to vote on the video of the day. choice number two. incredible footage of the ground crew of the arizona diamondbacks battling mother nature. wait till you see how this one
politics are practiced. david plouffe had an office running out of the white house. could have been going on 157 times? sean: the bush administration, 1 time, 157 times, you need 160 more to catch up to need more than 100 visits if you re hillary clinton to catch up. does that seem odd to you? maybe it s bromance. obviously the president likes chris christie. the answerzvñr is what tucker jt said, what the daily caller, and i commend forç them, cabinet members around required toç log in, so not every single visit is a matter of public record.
politics are practiced. david plouffe had an office running out of the white house. could have been going on 157 times? sean: the bush administration, 1 time, 157 times, you need 160 more to catch up to need more than 100 visits if you re hillary clinton to catch up. does that seem odd to you? maybe it s bromance. obviously the president likes chris christie. the answerzvñr is what tucker jt said, what the daily caller, and i commend forç them, cabinet members around required toç log in, so not every single visit is a matter of public record.
admability of tax policy they were taking of of. sean: that s a lot of3+vuñ.úr egg hunts. tucker? we compared white house visitor logs and compared them. turns out 157 visits during the obama administration by shulman. we compared that to visits by secretaries, in the obama administration. he outstripped all of them. the obama administrationjf is t entirely transparent about who visits the white house and when. not all visits are not logged actually, outrageously actually, but the ones that are indicate he went this many times, multiple of the times, say, ray look who went.
agree with tucker. the white house should explain why he was there, but i do think pushing for tax reform, whether you re discussing healthcare, easter egg hunts aside sean: oh, come on. i don t believe they were targeting the tea party, because the president is too smart for that. sean: maybe somebody else in the white house. guys, thank you. appreciateç it. still ahead tonight, it s a special scandal edition of medi but first did the obama administration assist in the benghaziubjwzv cover-up? the rncñr is taking legal action to get to the bottom of it. that s coming up next. also tonight, log on toç, you get to vote on the video of the day. choice number two. incredible footage of the ground crew of the arizona diamondbacks battling mother nature.