Anil Ambani was once the sixth richest person in the world but is now facing a financial crisis for the past few years. One of Anil Ambani s most valued possessions is his home located in Mumbai s Pali Hill.
Anil Ambani is married to former Bollywood actor Tina Ambani. They have two sons - Jai Anmol Ambani and Jai Anshul Ambani. Anil Ambani lives at Abode which is a 17-storeyed luxurious house in Mumbai.
Jai Anmol Ambani, the eldest son of Anil Ambani and the nephew of Mukesh Ambani, the richest man in India, has recently attracted interest in a world that is intrigued by the lives of the wealthy and famous. Jai Anmol is charged with stepping into his grandfather Dhiribhai Ambani s enormous shoes and continuing the illustrious Ambani tradition despite being born into a family known for success and wealth.