The thunderous waves of applause refused to die down as the young award-winning team of Mitti wrapped up their Talk at TEDxHyderabad 2019. Says curator Viiveck Verma, “It all started at TEDxHyderabad 2015 when young filmmaker and Speaker Anshul Sinha was deeply moved by ‘Poison on your plate’, a talk by agricultural scientist Ramanjaneyulu. That night, we sparked a movement.” Anshul would go on to make the crowd-funded movie, with the support of SAHE as community partner. The Ripple effect When TED started back in 1984, it would go through a series of avatars before embracing its global image as
Millions of girls in India are missing out on school due to stigma over periods and a lack of sanitary facilities. Menstruation remains an undiscussed subject in many communities.
Millions of girls in India are missing out on school due to stigma over periods and a lack of sanitary facilities. Menstruation remains an undiscussed subject in many communities.